Construction Industry Adjudication

Probably the ‘default’ dispute resolution process in the construction industry since its creation in 1998, but by no means suitable in every case. 

Adjudication has been described as a ‘Pay now, Argue later’ or ‘Rough and Ready’ form of dispute resolution, but those labels can be misleading and a little unfair. 

The vast majority of disputes that are adjudicated do not go on to be referred to a more formal procedure such as litigation or arbitration.  This tends to suggest that the parties are generally content with the decisions made in most adjudicated disputes. 

We have acted on many adjudications ranging in value from £50,000 to over £6m and have a detailed knowledge of the pitfalls to avoid and of the tactical issues and advantages that can be gained. 

We have been successful in resisting the enforcement of an adjudicator’s decision (something few law firms can claim) and we have successfully enforced decisions.